遇到你真的愛的人時, 要努力爭取和他相伴一生的機會因為當他離去時. 一切都來不及了....
When you meet the one you love, you have to fight for the opportunity to accompany him/her. When he is away from you, everything is too late.
遇到可相信的朋友時 要好好和他相處下去, 因為在人的一生中. 可遇到知己真的不易
When you meet the reliable friends, you have to get along with him/her well. Because it’s not easy to meet a soul mate in your life.
遇到人生中的貴人時 要記得好好感激, 因為他是你人生的轉折點
When you meet the important guy in your life, you must remember to appreciate his/her kindness. Because he/she plays an important role in your life.
遇到曾經愛過的人? ?記得微笑向他感激, 因為他是讓你更懂愛的人
When you meet the one you loved, remember to smile and thank them. Because he/she helped you to understand more love .
遇到曾經恨過的人時 要微笑向他打招呼, 因為他讓你更加堅強
When you meet the one you hated, remember to smile and say hello. He made you become stronger.
遇到曾經背叛你的人時 要跟他好好聊一聊, 因為若不是他今天你不會懂這世界
When you meet the one who betrayed to you, you have to talk to him/her well. If not because of his/her betrayal, you can’t understand this world.
遇到曾經偷偷喜歡的人時 要祝他幸福唷!因為你喜歡他時 不是希望他幸福快樂嗎?
When you meet the one you loved secretly, you have to wish him happy! When you like him, you just hope that he is happy .
遇到匆匆離開你人生的人時 要謝謝他走過你的人生, 因為他是你精采回憶的一部分
When you meet the one who get away from your life in a hurry, you gotta thank him/her for being together with you. He/she is the splendid part of your memory.
遇到曾經和你有誤會的人時 要趁現在解清誤會, 因為你可能只有這一次機會解釋清楚
When you meet the one who have the misunderstanding with you, you have to explain about it now. Maybe this is the last chance for you to explain it clearly.
遇到現在和相伴一生的人, 要百分百感謝他愛你, 因為你們現在都得到幸福和真愛
For the one who is accompanying you now, you have to appreciate that he loves you. Because you guys both get your happiness and true love now.
幸福是靠自己去爭取的~不管是友情或愛情很多事情~~錯過了就沒有了, 錯過了就是會變的--
You have to fight for your happiness! No matter friendship or love, if you miss it, it’s gone or changed.
You might not be success with confidence, but without confidence you will never success.
Monday, 29 January 2007
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